
New positions open up regularly. We often have unadvertised opportunities in the below categories. Please apply via this form, ensuring that any CV you provide via link are accessible. If this link is unavailable to you for any reason (some geographic locations block Google forms), you may contact Dorothy Fleischer (dotf@mit.edu) for assistance in completing the form.

Post-Doctoral Research Associates

Generally, QNN is interested in Post-Doc applicants in the fields of Superconducting Detectors and Electronics, Ultrafast Optics, Electron Optics and Nanofabrication.

Graduate Research Assistants

We are interested in graduate research assistants (must be an admitted MIT graduate student) to (a) develop novel quantum sensors, logic devices, and digital circuits based on superconductors; and (b) develop nanophotonic and nanoelectronic devices for optical detection and lightwave electronics; and (c ) develop free-electron optical systems for novel classical and quantum light sources and metrology applications. Applicants should be interested in developing their skills in both researching the design of and the fabrication of such devices. Non-MIT graduate students should first be admitted to MIT.

Undergraduate Research Assistants

We continuously consider applications for undergraduate research assistant positions through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities (UROP) program. The position would require a commitment of ~ 10 hours per week, and full-time employment during IAP and the summer. Please submit your CV as text in the body of your application email, a list of courses taken and grades, major or intended major, and a cover letter stating your interest in the position to our administrative assistant. All this should be submitted as text in a single email, no attachments, please.

Non-MIT students seeking a summer or other research position, you should (1) have your own funding (e.g. through an NSF REU program); and (2) apply in the early spring by filling out this form. All materials should be submitted as text in a single email, no attachments, please. We will not be able to respond to requests that do not adhere to these formatting requirements.

Administrative and Technical Staff

We are not currently hiring administrative or technical staff, however interested potential candidates should subscribe to our RSS News Feed or check this site frequently, as new positions will be posted on that feed and the news page of this site when they arise.

Visiting Researchers and Students

We host extended visits by researchers from academia or industry or by students enrolled at other educational institutions. Generally, visits from students that last for fewer than 6 months will not be considered, while the most productive visits last at least a year.

If interested, apply via this form. In planning a visit to MIT, you may also find the information at the international student’s office and the international scholar’s office to be helpful. We will not be able to respond to requests that do not adhere to these formatting requirements.