The frontier of information processing lies in nanoscience and nanotechnology research. At the nanoscale, materials, and structures can be engineered to exhibit interesting new properties, some based on quantum mechanical effects. Our research focuses on developing nanofabrication technology at the few-nanometer length scale. We use these technologies to push the envelope of what is possible with photonic and electrical devices, focusing in particular on superconductive and free-electron devices. Our research combines electrical engineering, physics, and materials science and helps extend the limits of nanoscale engineering.
The nanocryotron: A superconducting-nanowire three-terminal electrothermal device
Recent QNN News
Seeking post-doctoral candidate in superconducting nanowires
Post-doctoral candidate sought with experience suitable for performing research in one or more of the following areas: superconducting electronics/detectors, low temperature physics, applications of superconducting devices, and related research topics. The post-doc...
Andrew Dane awarded MRS symposium student presentation prize at MRS Spring 2016
Congratulations to QNN member Andrew Dane for being awarded the MRS symposium student presentation prize for his talk "Bias Sputtered Few-Nanometer-Thick Niobium Nitride for Superconducting Devices" at the Spring 2016 Materials Research Society meeting in Phoenix. He...
Emily Toomey awarded NSF fellowship
Congratulations to Emily Toomey on receiving the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. This prestigious and competitive award will support her work for three years.
New Paper: “Designs for a quantum electron microscope”
One of the astounding consequences of quantum mechanics is that it allows the detection of a target using an incident probe, with only a low probability of interaction of the probe and the target. This ‘quantum weirdness’ could be applied in the field of electron...
New Papers: “Multilayer block copolymer meshes by orthogonal self-assembly” and “The orientations of large aspect-ratio coiled-coil proteins attached to gold nanostructures”
“Multilayer block copolymer meshes by orthogonal self-assembly”, Amir Tavakkoli K. G., Samuel M. Nicaise, Karim R. Gadelrab, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, Caroline A. Ross & Karl K. Berggren. Nature Communications, (2016) DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10518 Continued scaling-down...