Group Leaders

Professor Karl K. Berggren

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
50 Vassar Street, Suite 36-219
Cambridge, MA 02139
617.324.0272—Tel /  617.253.7545—Asst / RLE Biography / RLE Video

Prof. Berggren is the faculty head of enfineering Joseph F. and Nancy P. Keithley Professor of Electrical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, where he co-heads the Quantum Nanostructures and Nanofabrication Group. From 1996 to 2003, Prof. Berggren served as a staff member at MIT Lincoln Laboratory in Lexington, Massachusetts, and from 2010 to 2011, was on sabbatical at the Delft University of Techonology in the Netherlands.

His current research focuses on superconductive circuits, electronic devices, single-photon detectors for quantum applications, and electron-optical systems.

Prof. Berggren has taught a range of subjects in the department, including Digital Communications, Circuits and Electronics, Fundamentals of Programming, Applied Quantum and Statistical Physics, Introduction to EECS via Interconnected Embedded Systems, Introduction to Quantum Systems Engineering, and Introduction to Nanofabrication.

Prof. Berggren is a fellow of AAAS and a fellow of IEEE. He is a Kavli fellow, and a recipient of the 2015 Paul T. Forman Team Engineering Award from the Optical Society of America. In 2016, he received a Bose Fellowship and was also a recipient of the EECS Department’s Frank Quick Innovation Fellowship and the Burgess (‘52) & Elizabeth Jamieson Award for Excellence in Teaching. In 2024, he was named an MIT MacVicar fellow.

Prof. Berggren has served as a consultant to several industrial, academic, and government organizations, and continues an active independent consulting practice.

Donnie P. Keathley

Phillip “Donnie” Keathley

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
50 Vassar Street, Suite 36-293
Cambridge, MA 02139

Phillip (“Donnie”) Keathley received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Kentucky in 2009, and his PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT in 2015. His research experience spans the areas of ultrafast optics, strong-field science, attosecond physics, nanophotonics, and plasmonics. He is currently a research scientist in the Quantum Nanostructures and Nanofabrication group at MIT where he develops optical-field-driven electronics, nanoscale free-electron light sources, and radiation-hard nanoscale vacuum-electronics. He was recently named an Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator to continue his work studying methods for petahertz processing of optical fields using nanoscale electron emitters.

Administrative and Technical Staff

Dorothy Fleischer

Dorothy Fleischer

Administrative Assistant II, 36-213

Rinske Wijtmans

Rinske Wijtmans

Administrative Assistant II, 36-213B

Mark Mondol

Mark Mondol

Assistant Director, NanoStructures Laboratory

James Daley

James Daley

Research Specialist

Students and Postdocs

Joseph Alongi

Joseph Alongi

Research Fellow

Emma Batson

Emma Batson

Research Assistant

PhD Student, EECS

Adina Bechhofer

Adina Bechhofer

Research Fellow

PhD Student, EECS

Camron Blackburn

Camron Blackburn

Research Assistant

PhD Student, EECS

Matteo Castellani

Matteo Castellani

Research Assistant

PhD Student, EECS

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

UROP Student

Gian Luca Dolso

Gian Luca Dolso

Postdoctoral Fellow

Reed Foster

Reed Foster

Graduate Research Fellow

Graduate Student, EECS

Evan Golden

Evan Golden

Graduate Research Fellow

PhD Student, EECS

Francesca Incalza

Francesca Incalza

Graduate Research Fellow

PhD Student, EECS

Stephen Kandeh

Stephen Kandeh

Research Asssistant

Graduate Student, EECS

Ben Mazur

Ben Mazur

Research Fellow

PhD Student, EECS

Owen Medeiros

Owen Medeiros

Research Assistant

PhD Student, EECS

Davide Mondin

Davide Mondin

Visiting Student

Sang-Hoon Nam

Sang-Hoon Nam

Research Scientist

Dip Joti Paul

Dip Joti Paul

Research Assistant

PhD Student, EECS

Andi Qu

Andi Qu

UROP Student

Malick Sere

Malick Sere

Research Fellow

PhD Student, EECS

James Shi

James Shi

UROP Student

Alejandro Simon

Alejandro Simon

Research Assistant

PhD Student, EECS

John Simonaitis

John Simonaitis

Research Assistant

PhD Student, EECS

Pavan Yeddanapudi

Pavan Yeddanapudi

UROP Student

Matthew Yeung

Matthew Yeung

Postdoctoral Fellow

Eric Zhan

Eric Zhan

UROP Student

Former Group Members

Navid Abedzadeh
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Nathnael Abebe
Research Assistant
Undergrad, MIT EECS
Akshay Agarwal
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Postdoctoral Associate
Alicia Akins
Administrative Assistant
Abdullah Alzaben
Visiting Scientist
King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology
Vikas Anant
Research Assistant
Ph.D. Student, EECS
Post-Doctoral Associate
Marco Andrade
Undergrad., MIT
Lucy Archer
Research Assistant
PhD Student, Physics
Jose Arrieta
Visiting Student
University of Costa Rica
Ekaterina Arutyunova
Undergraduate, Physics

Diana Aude

Research Assistant
Undergrad., EECS
Reza Baghdadi
Postdoctoral Associate
Bowen Baker
Research Assistant
Undergrad, MIT
Michael Batista
Research Assistant
Undergrad., MIT
Lorenzo Battistella
Visiting Student
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Mostafa Bedewy
Postdoctoral Associate
Francesco Bellei
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Mina Bionta
Senior Postdoctoral Associate
Mauro Bortolussi
Administrative Assistant II
Nicolas Boulant
Visiting Researcher
Drew Buckley
Visiting Student
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Brenden Butters
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Alyssa Cartwright
Research Assistant
Undergrad, MIT
Dario Cattozzo Mor
Visiting Student
Polytechnic University of Turin
Jae-Byum Chang
Research Assistant
PhD Student, DMSE
Adam Chao
Research Assistant
Ilya Charaev
Postdoctoral Associate
Lu-Ting Chou

Visiting Student

Marco Colangelo

Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Postdoctoral Student

Bryan Cord
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Maria Csete
Visiting Scientist
U. of Szeged, Hungary
Andrew Dane
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Eric Dauler
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Domenico De Fazio
Visiting Student
Eva De Leo
Visiting Student
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Hyung Wan Do
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Huigao Duan
Visiting Student
Lanzhou Univ., China
Tareq El Dandachi

Undergraduate, EECS

Alexandriya Emonds
Research Assistant
Undergrad, MIT
Ignacio Estay Forno
Research Assistant
Undergrad, MIT
Antonin Ferri
Visiting Student
Ecole Normale Superieure, France
Ranveig Flatabø
Visiting Student
University of Bergen
Charles Franklin
Research Assistant
Undergrad, MIT EECS
Eyosias Gebremeskel

Undergraduate student

Cynthia Gibbs
Administrative Assistant
Stefan Harrer
Visiting Student
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Katherine Harry
Visiting Student
University of Kansas
Charles Herder
Research Assistant
Undergrad., EECS/Physics
Richard Hobbs
Senior Post-Doctoral Associate
Xiaolong Hu
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Melissa Hunt
Research Assistant
Undergrad, MIT
Yachin Ivry
Post-Doctoral Associate

Audrey Jacquillat

Visiting Student
EPFL, France
Valentin Karam
Research Support Associate
Masters Student, MIT
William Kalb
Research Assistant
Undergrad., MIT
Oliver Karnbach
Visiting Researcher
Imperial College London, UK
Chung-Soo Kim
Postdoctoral Associate
Yong Ho Kim
Maruice Krielaart

Postdoctoral Fellow

Hasan Korre
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Sarah Goodman
Research Assistant
Ph.D. Student, DMSE
Yi-Hong Kuo
Research Assistant
Undergrad., MIT
Tiffany Kuhn
Administrative Assistant
Jan Kupec
Visiting Student
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Christopher Lang
Research Assistant
Undergrad, MIT
Mackenzie LeVangie

Lab Manager

Joshua Leu
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Wenping Li
Visiting Scientist
Yunjie Ma
Research Assistant
Undergraduate, EECS
Vitor Manfrinato
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Francesco Marsili
Glenn Martinez
Visiting Student
Boston University
Daniele Masciarelli
Visiting Student
Adam McCaughan
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Postdoctoral Associate
Matthew McGlashing
Research Technician
Sirak Mekonen
Research Assistant
David Meyer
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Deborah Morecroft
Post-Doctoral Associate
Yukimi Morimoto
Undergrad, MIT
Faraz Najafi
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Prajna Nair
Undergraduate student
Alberto Nardi
Visiting Student
Polytechnic University of Turin
Sam Nicaise
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Shruti Nirantar
Visiting Scientist
Murat Onen
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Simon Opsahl
Undergrad, MIT
Kameron Oser
Research Assistant
Masters Student, MIT
Nicoló Petrini
Visiting Student
Polytechnic University of Turin
Randy Peterson
Visiting Scientist
Rachel Philiph
Visiting Student
Iowa State University
Mihika Prabhu
Research Assistant
Undergrad, MIT
William Putnam
Visiting Scientist
Ashley Qu
Research Assistant
Master Student, EECS
Vinay Ramasesh
Research Assistant
Undergrad., MIT
Magnus Rådmark
Visiting Student
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
Marco Raffa

Visiting Student
Polytechnic U. of Turin

Thomas Rembert
Visiting Student
University of Arkansas
Felix Ritzkowski

Postdoctoral Fellow

Abigail Rice
Research Assistant
Undergrad, MIT
Kristine Rosfjord
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Giovanni Salvatore
Visiting Student
Delano Sanchez
M.Sc. Student
Lars Schonenberg
Visiting Student
Delft University of Technology
Stephan Schulz
Postdoctoral Fellow
Simon Schuster
Visiting Student
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Jessica Shipman
Visiting Student
Undergrad., University of Cincinnati
Mike Snella
Research Assistant
M.Eng student, EECS
Andrew Sorenson
Research Assistant
M.Eng Student, EECS
Denise Steward
Administrative Assistant
Sebastian Strobel
Postdoctoral Associate
Kristen Sunter
Postdoctoral Researcher
Jonathan Surick
Research Assistant
Undergrad, MIT
Bethel Tarekegne

Visiting Student
Benedict University

Emily Toomey
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Marco Turchetti
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Shinichi Warisawa
Visiting Scientist
James White
Research Assistant
Undergrad., Mech. Eng.
Donald Winston
Research Assistant,
PhD Student, EECS
Joel Yang
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Yujia Yang
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS
Postdoctoral Associate
Beyza Yurt
Undergrad, Wellesley College
Marco Zagarella

Visiting Student

Qing-Yuan Zhao
Postdoctoral Associate
Mengjie Zheng
Visiting Student
Hunan University, China
Tony Zhou

Postdoctoral Associate

Di Zhu
Research Assistant
PhD Student, EECS