Jun 23, 2023 | News Articles, Our Research
Now-Dr. Marco Colangelo’s thesis defense is now available to view online. The title is “Superconducting Nanowire Technology For Microwave and Photonics Applications.” Congratulations for Dr. Colangelo for his successful PhD defense! Abstract: Quantum computing...
Jun 20, 2016 | News Articles, Our Research, Uncategorized
We report on a method of nanoSQUID modulation which uses kinetic inductance rather than magnetic inductance to manip-ulate the internal fluxoid state. We produced modulation using injected current rather than an applied magnetic field. Using this injected current, we...
May 27, 2016 | News Articles, Our Research
Congratulations to QNN member Andrew Dane for being awarded the MRS symposium student presentation prize for his talk “Bias Sputtered Few-Nanometer-Thick Niobium Nitride for Superconducting Devices” at the Spring 2016 Materials Research Society meeting in...
Mar 21, 2016 | News Articles, Our Research
One of the astounding consequences of quantum mechanics is that it allows the detection of a target using an incident probe, with only a low probability of interaction of the probe and the target. This ‘quantum weirdness’ could be applied in the field of electron...
Feb 3, 2015 | News Articles, Our Research
[abstract] We found that electron-beam lithography, a top-down approach, is a suitable prototyping method for templating and controlling hydrothermally-grown ZnO nanowires (NWs). By varying the deposition method of the ZnO seed layer, annealing and template hole...
Jan 7, 2015 | News Articles, Our Research
In our new paper, to appear in the IEEE Jornal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (JSTQE), we have demonstrated fully-saturated nanowire single-photon detectors with 24 ps jitter. Furthermore we show an improved fabrication process that allowed us to increase...