Dec 9, 2016 | News Articles
We describe a superconducting three-terminal Y-shaped device that uses a simple geometric effect known as current crowding to sense the flow of current and actuate a readout signal. A complete description of the publication may be found here. Citation: Adam N....
Nov 15, 2016 | News Articles
Congratulations to Adam McCaughan for being awarded the 2016 Jin-Au Kong Award for outstanding PhD thesis in electrical engineering. Adam’s thesis, titled, “Superconducting Thin Film Nanoelectronics,” describes his work on developing novel...
Sep 16, 2016 | News Articles, Uncategorized
Developing superconducting-nanowire based electronics We are looking for a graduate research assistant (must be an admitted MIT graduate student) to develop novel quantum sensors, logic devices and digital circuits based on superconducting nanowires. Present projects...
Jun 20, 2016 | News Articles, Our Research, Uncategorized
We report on a method of nanoSQUID modulation which uses kinetic inductance rather than magnetic inductance to manip-ulate the internal fluxoid state. We produced modulation using injected current rather than an applied magnetic field. Using this injected current, we...
May 27, 2016 | News Articles, Our Research
Congratulations to QNN member Andrew Dane for being awarded the MRS symposium student presentation prize for his talk “Bias Sputtered Few-Nanometer-Thick Niobium Nitride for Superconducting Devices” at the Spring 2016 Materials Research Society meeting in...