The frontier of information processing lies in nanoscience and nanotechnology research. At the nanoscale, materials, and structures can be engineered to exhibit interesting new properties, some based on quantum mechanical effects. Our research focuses on developing nanofabrication technology at the few-nanometer length scale. We use these technologies to push the envelope of what is possible with photonic and electrical devices, focusing in particular on superconductive and free-electron devices. Our research combines electrical engineering, physics, and materials science and helps extend the limits of nanoscale engineering.
The nanocryotron: A superconducting-nanowire three-terminal electrothermal device
Recent QNN News
New Publication: Single-photon detection using large-scale high-temperature MgB2 sensors at 20 K
Full article citation: I. Charaev et al., “Single-photon detection using large-scale high-temperature MgB2 sensors at 20 K,” Nat Commun, vol. 15, no. 1, p. 3973, May 2024. The article is Open Access and can be viewed here.Abstract Ultra-fast single-photon detectors...
Prof. Berggren SPIE Presentation Available
Prof. Karl Berggren gave a presentation on Integerated Electronics for Superconducting-nanowire Single-photon Detector Readouts at the SPIE Quantum West conference this January. The recording of this presentation is now available in the SPIE Digital Library. To access...
Professor Berggren named a 2024 MacVicar Faculty Fellows
Congratulations to Karl for being awarded the MIT MacVicar award for undergraduate teaching! The full details are available at the MIT News website.
QNN Newsletter – 2023 Wrap Up
QNN Newsletter Dear QNN Group Members, Alums and Affiliates, We are excited to share our group newsletter for the last quarter of 2023 with you all. Please read on for highlights of the latest research and goings on within the QNN group. The last term saw a lot of...
First QNN High School Interns Hosted through NSF program
The QNN group hosted our first summer High School interns this year due to a grant from the National Science Foundation. By expanding the number of high schoolers with direct experience with ongoing research programs, the NSF hopes to increase the potential pool of...