Jun 20, 2016 | News Articles, Our Research, Uncategorized
We report on a method of nanoSQUID modulation which uses kinetic inductance rather than magnetic inductance to manip-ulate the internal fluxoid state. We produced modulation using injected current rather than an applied magnetic field. Using this injected current, we...
Mar 21, 2016 | News Articles, Our Research
One of the astounding consequences of quantum mechanics is that it allows the detection of a target using an incident probe, with only a low probability of interaction of the probe and the target. This ‘quantum weirdness’ could be applied in the field of electron...
Jan 13, 2016 | News Articles
Hydrothermally synthesized ZnO nanowire arrays are critical components in a range of nanostructured semiconductor devices. The device performance is governed by relevant nanowire morphological parameters that cannot be fully controlled during bulk hydrothermal...
Nov 19, 2015 | News Articles
This paper describes the construction of a cryostat and an optical system with a free-space coupling efficiency of 56.5% +/- 3.4% to a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SNSPD) for infrared quantum communication and spectrum analysis. A 1K pot decreases...
Jun 19, 2015 | News Articles
We built a transmissometer to determine the thickness of thin films of NbN that are deposited as the starting material for SNSPDs. The transmissometer measures the transmittance of light through NbN thin films, and the thickness of the NbN is found by fitting the...